
Privacy Policy

Law n.196/2003, Art. 24
- Cases in which data treatment can be carried out without consent

1. Alongside the cases in part II, consent is not requested when the treatment:
a) is necessary to fulfil a law, regulation or community decree;
b)is necessary to carry out a contract with the person interested or to fulfil, before the end of the contract, specific requests of the person interested;
c)regards data from public registers, lists, acts or documents available to everyone, in compliance with the limits established by any law, regulation or community decree;
d)regards data relative to economic activities, handled in compliance with the present law regarding business and industrial secrecy;
e)it is necessary for the safeguard of the life or health of a third party. If this regards the person interested and he/she cannot give consent owing to physical impossibility, because unable to act or to understand and decide, consent is passed on to a person with power of attorney, that is a close relative, cohabitant, family member or in their absence, to the person in charge of the structure in which he/she is staying. Implementation of art. 82, point 2;
f)with the exclusion of its circulation, it is necessary to carry out defensive investigations as in law no. 397 of 7.12.2000 or, in any case, to defend or assert a right in court, but only if the data is used for these purposes and for the time necessary to carry them out, in compliance with the current law regarding business and industrial secrecy;
g)with the exclusion of its circulation, it is necessary, in the cases determined by the Warrantor in accordance with the principles confirmed by law, to pursue a legitimate interest of the administrator or of a third receiver of the data, also with reference to bank groups and connected companies, except when the rights and fundamental freedom, dignity and legitimate interest of the person involved prevail;
h)excluding transmission outside the company and circulation, it is carried out by non profit-making associations, bodies or organisms, also not recognized, with reference to individuals who have with them regular contacts, for the pursuit of specific targets recognized by the constitution, collective statute or contract, and with a use of them expressly declared to the person concerned in compliance with art 13;
i)it is necessary, in compliance with the respective deontological codes as in attachment A), for exclusive scientific or statistical purposes, or for historical purposes for private archives declared to be of notable historical interest in compliance with art 6, point 2, of law no. 490 of 29.10.1999, or with other private archives.

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